After having heard and seen so much about this book through either the YouTube channels or blogs of book bloggers and vloggers I follow I was very happy to see this title available for request on NetGalley. After reading the description of the book on NetGalley and falling in love with it even more I submitted my request and then kept my fingers crossed that my request would be approved. Luckily it was and I can honestly say that this YA novel more than lived up to my expectations and I can see why everyone’s talking about it.
In the book we meet Madeline Whittier a girl who since being diagnosed with a disease where she is allergic to the outside world has never left the house in which she lives with her mother. She seems to have a good relationship with her mother and is also blessed with the friendship of Carla, her nurse, but except for this has very little physical contact with people - anyone who does come into contact with her has to be decontaminated first. You’d think that not being able to leave the house would have resulted in Madeline feeling rather miserable but she’s anything but. She’s accepted her situation and never wanted anything more, something which all changes when a new family moves into the house opposite hers and she sees Olly for the first time.
It’s safe to say that for Olly things at home are not great, something which Madeline sees for herself through her bedroom window. She’s desperate to find out more about Olly and he quickly becomes the main focus of Madeline’s thoughts and whilst he does visit her on a couple of occasions the reader witnesses a relationship between the two develop mainly through IMs and emails.
This was a beautiful tale of friendship, understanding and acceptance but one which also highlighted the very real fact that there are things, such as being able to go outside, that some might take for granted but which other people, for whatever reason, can only imagine doing. Being able to go out is certainly something which I realised I take for granted and I certainly couldn’t imagine not being able to do so and, instead, having to spend every minute of every day inside my house.
I flew through the book and found that it was very easy to read being split up into short, manageable chunks, something which I feel will undoubtedly appeal to the audience it is aimed at. Madeline and Olly have quickly became one of my favourite couples in YA literature - they were just so perfect together and I loved seeing their relationship go from strength to strength.
I read an e-Arc of this book which is released in the week beginning 31st August 2015 but can say that I will be buying a copy of the physical, finished product for myself. I think the cover looks beautiful and feel that by having a physical copy I’d be able to appreciate the illustrations that are contained within it much more.