1. Is there a book that you really want to read but haven't because you know that it'll make you cry?
For the most part I don't know how a book is going to affect me emotionally until I actually start reading it, but I think that the answer to this question has got to be After You by Jojo Moyes. This book was only released on the 24th September 2015 and, truth be told, I haven't yet obtained a copy of it but I just know that given how Me Before You recently affected me that After You will do the same.
2. Pick one book that helped introduce you to a new genre
I'm going to say the Shopaholic series by Sophie Kinsella. I think I first started reading this series when I was 15 or 16 and these books helped introduce me to the world of Chick-lit - a genre I now absolutely love. I also found that these books helped me make the transition from reading teenage fiction to reading adult fiction. Even now I still enjoy reading these books and always look forward to the next book being released in the Shopaholic series!
3. Find a book that you want to reread

4. Is there a book series you read but wish that you hadn't?
I've not a read a lot of series I'll be honest but those which I have read I've really enjoyed and so I wouldn't say that I wish I hadn't read them.
5. If your house was burning down and all of your family and pets were safe, which book would you go back inside to save?
This is such a difficult question to which I'd love to answer all of them but as I don't think that's allowed I'm going to have to say McFly - Unsaid Things...Our Story. For those that don't already know I am a massive fan of McFly and to lose this book without knowing for certain whether I would be able to obtain another copy of it would absolutely break my heart.

Yes. There's actually two books (which I'm counting as one because they are a series) and they are Solomon's Tale and Solomon's Kitten by Sheila Jeffries. These will be books I will keep and treasure forever and which every time I look at them will bring back fond memories - of my mum who gave them to me for Christmas and also of my cat, Socksie, who is pretty much identical to Solomon and has a similar story to tell.
7. Find a book that has inspired you the most

8. Do you have any autographed books?
I've got two - a signed copy of Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell which I won earlier this month in a competition and Tremor by Ryan Mark. Tremor was one of the first books I reviewed on my blog back in May and I'm really excited to announce that I will be taking part in the blog tour for the second book, Fracture, in October.
9. Find the book that you have owned the longest
A lot of the books that I owned as a child have been taken to charity shops, minus a few which I absolutely refuse to be parted with. But, to answer the question, I think the book that I have owned the longest is my now, rather battered copy, of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone which I remember being very excited to get my hands on all those years ago.

10. Is there a book by an author that you never imagined you would read or enjoy?
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green - I never thought that I would read or enjoy this book mainly because of the subject matter but I did. Despite how I approached this book I actually found that I completely fell in love with it and thought that it was touching and beautiful, one that I know I will remember for a long time to come.
I hope you enjoyed reading this post. I'm not going to tag anyone specific to complete it but if you'd like to do so, go ahead - I'd love to read your answers!
Happy reading! :)